namerica filter by realism

Miguel Camarillo

Miguel Camarillo

Mexican artist MIGUEL Camarillo
has more than nine years of
experience in the tattoo field.
He currently lives and works in
by Cocoa Frontend on June 18, 2019
Cris Gherman

Cris Gherman

Cris Gherman was born in
1975 in the cold city of
Transylvania, Romania. In 1989
he decided to leave his city
because he no longer could
tolerate the communism that
existed at the time.
by Cocoa Frontend on June 15, 2019
Gray Rx

Gray Rx

Gray is a tattoo artist born in
Mexico City, who has a strong
inclination for realistic
style. He started tattooing
in 2006 as a self-made artist.
by Cocoa Frontend on June 08, 2019
Ramses Mondragon

Ramses Mondragon

Originally from San José del
Cabo, "Darma Tattoo" was
founded by Ramsés Mondragón
Alarcón in 2004.
by Cocoa Frontend on May 29, 2017



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